Friday, March 19, 2010

abc news_NX10

The ABC News in the USA introduced Samsung's new NX10 mirrorless interchangeable lens camera as one of the new innovative products.
Gregory W. Harper, the president of Harpervision Associates, explains NX10 and other products as well that were shown in the PMA show.
Here is the link to the video of the ABC News.

The summary of the ABC news are:
- NX10 is one fo the innovative and hot products
- NX10 has been in troduced in the PMA 2010 show as an innovative product
- Compactness of NX10 was emphasized by comparing with a Nikon DSLR camera
- NX10's innovative conceps are 14.6Mega Pixel, larger APS-C sensor, mirrorless interchangeable lens
- NX10 is a new trend camera having a large sensor which is an important factor for image quality where SLR camera does not have
- The price is reasonable.
- NX10 has an electronic view finder and AMOLED
- NX10 is a new trend camera along with Panasonic and Olympus for photographers since the product size has been reduced and still remaining as a professional camera.
Also Pansonic LUMIX camera has been introduced.

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